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Fire & Ice Quartz Tumbled

Fire & Ice Quartz Tumbled

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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Fire & Ice Quartz tumbled

A powerful high vibration light bringer created by thermal shock. A stone of joy and happiness, resurrection and rebirth. Cleanses and aligns all the chakras in the physical body and activates the soma, soul star and stellar gateway chakras, activation expanded awareness. Stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands, opening the third eye and assisting with perceiving multidimensional realities. Contains the spirit of pure love and is particularly useful for spiritual manifestation. A stone for new beginnings and profound growth, it cuts through the old to reveal ones soul purpose. Facilitates intercellular healing at all levels and is particularly healing of the kidneys, urinary tract and reproductive systems.

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